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Have you noticed that the SMS Click-Through Rate (CTR) is significantly higher than Email CTR? In some cases, it can be ten times higher!

To ensure that your marketing campaigns effectively convert into numerous offers, a good chunk, if not all, of your buyers need to be "SMSable," meaning they must voluntarily agree to receive messages. This can be challenging, but we've found a solution.

Now, you can invite your buyers to opt-in in a very easy and efficient manner through Investorlift. 

Step-by-Step Process

1. Import Your Buyers. See how.

IMPORTANT. Ensure your buyers have phone numbers.

2. After importing, a pop-up will appear. Click Yes.


You will see the notification like below that will confirm the successful operation.


Next, your buyers will receive an email with a simple yes or no question: “Would you like to receive my text notifications?” Once they click "Yes, I agree,” you can start sending them your SMS campaigns!


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I invite existing buyers to opt-in?
    Yes, you will need to re-import your buyers to trigger this feature.
  2. How do I know who has opted in?
    Use the "Can Receive SMS" filter in the Buyers tab to see who can receive SMS messages on your list. 
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