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In the bustling realm of real estate, navigating the marketplace comes with its unique set of challenges. From daisy chaining to unscrupulous individuals aiming to interfere with transactions, wholesaling is no stranger to these hurdles. At Investorlift, we're constantly seeking ways to enhance the experience for our users as our community grows. With a buyer database now surpassing 5 million, our commitment to supporting your business growth is unwavering. However, we recognize the increasing concerns around the quality of buyers and are determined to address them head-on.


Acknowledging the Challenge

The feedback from our community has been clear and consistent: the encounter with less qualified buyers, including those involved in daisy chaining or attempting to sidestep fair dealing practices, has been on the rise. Such experiences not only hinder the transaction process but also undermine trust within the marketplace.


Our Commitment to Action

We're not merely acknowledging these challenges; we're committed to implementing solutions. The first product update of 2024 is designed specifically to enhance the integrity and reliability of our buyer base.


Collaborative Effort for a Cleaner Marketplace


ACTION NEEDED. To effectively cleanse our community of daisy chainers and those with questionable intentions, we need your active participation.


Report Suspicious Buyers

We've simplified the process of reporting a buyer, allowing for immediate action against those with questionable motives. Here’s how you can report a concern:

Buyer Profile: Navigate to the Buyer Profile, select "Report Buyer" in the top right corner, and choose from the new, more descriptive reasons for reporting:

  • Daisy chainer
  • Robot
  • Did not perform on the closing
  • Tried to steal a deal
  • Other



Buyers Tab: Find the buyer in question, click the three dots, and select "Report".


Offers Tab: Go to the offer in question, click the three dots, and choose "Report".



Property Inquiries: Select the relevant inquiry, click the three dots, and opt to "Report".

God Mode: Locate the buyer that is linked to the Investorlift database, and then "Report".


Buyer Phone Verification 


Every buyer will now be required to verify their phone number, ensuring each account is backed by a unique and valid number. This measure is aimed at eliminating duplicate accounts, fake profiles, and bots, making our community safer and more trustworthy. Read here for more

By coming together as a community to report and address these issues, we can significantly improve the quality and integrity of our marketplace. This initiative not only aims to deter those with ill intentions but also to reinforce Investorlift as a trusted platform for genuine real estate professionals. We are excited to see the positive changes that our collective efforts will bring and will continue to update you on our progress.

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