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I see a list of events such as the following:

  • Property viewed
  • Property image viewed
  • Click from message (with internal counting and redirect)
  • Property address requested
  • Property added to favorites

Can someone break down how these relate to SMS versus email? I’m trying to understand who is clicking on a text versus who is clicking on an email. For example, is “click from message” only triggered by a SMS, or can a click from an email also trigger a “Click from message” event.


Hi @Alex Conway!

The buyer has these options to respond, they can

  1. reply to the email sender. It leads to creating an inquiry and "Inquiry sent" event.
  2. reply to the SMS sender. It leads to creating an inquiry and "Inquiry sent" event.
  3. Click on the link in the email that leads to The event is "Click from message (with internal counting and redirect)". The name of this event will be changed to "Click from email" in an upcoming Sprint
  4. Click on the link in the SMS that leads to The event is "Click from SMS"

Other types of events don't link with emails and SMS.
