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When it comes to managing a real estate investment portfolio or property listings, it's essential to have a structured and secure system in place. To maintain the integrity and confidentiality of your data, Investorlift offers three distinct user roles. These roles cater to the diverse needs and responsibilities of users within an account.


User Roles:


  1. Administrator

The Administrator role within an Investorlift account is the highest level of access and authority. As the name suggests, administrators are responsible for overseeing and managing the entire account. They have the broadest spectrum of access and can perform various functions. Here are some key features of the Administrator role:


Full Access:

Administrators have unrestricted access to all information within the account. This includes lead information, property listings, settings, property inquiries, analytics, buyer lists, and the ability to import, export, and delete buyers. This level of access allows them to efficiently manage and oversee all aspects of the account.


  1. Acquisition Manager

Acquisition Managers play a crucial role in the real estate investment process. They are primarily responsible for acquiring new leads. However, their access is more limited compared to Administrators. Here's what you can expect from an Acquisition Manager:


Limited Access:

Acquisition Managers have access to specific areas of the account, mainly revolving around leads. They can create property postings, view property listings, and work with leads. However, they do not have access to account settings, property inquiries, address requests, or the buyer list. Furthermore, they are restricted from importing, exporting, or deleting buyers.


  1. Disposition Manager

Disposition Managers are responsible for managing the sale or disposition of properties. While their responsibilities may overlap with Acquisition Managers in some areas, they have a distinct set of permissions and limitations. Here's what you can expect from a Disposition Manager:


Limited Access:

Disposition Managers have access to areas of the account related to property listings and buyer inquiries. They can create property postings, manually add buyers to the buyer list, and respond to property inquiries. However, they do not have access to account settings or lead information. Additionally, they are restricted from importing, exporting, or deleting buyers.


Types of access:


Administrator Acquisition Manager Disposition Manager





Property Inquiries

Address Requests








Schedule Call




Property Inquiries

Schedule Call





Knowledge Base


Knowledge Base


Knowledge Base


The three user roles on an Investorlift account serve distinct purposes and come with varying levels of access and authority. Administrators have full control over the account and all its features, while Acquisition Managers and Disposition Managers have limited access focused on their specific roles within the real estate investment process.

By assigning the appropriate role to each user, Investorlift provides a structured and secure platform for managing your real estate investments, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to those who need it. This role-based system enhances efficiency and helps maintain the integrity of your real estate investment portfolio.


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