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In the dynamic world of real estate investing, finding the perfect property can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, Investorlift equips investors with powerful tools to streamline their search and identify opportunities that align with their investment goals. One such tool is the advanced filtering system, a robust feature designed to narrow down property searches and uncover hidden gems. In this article, we'll delve into the various filters available on Investorlift and how to leverage them effectively to find the ideal investment property.



1. Location-Based Filtering

The first step in any property search is narrowing down the geographic area of interest. Investorlift allows users to search for properties based on location, whether it's a specific city, county, or state. By inputting your desired location, you can refine your search and focus on properties within your preferred area.



2. Setting Asking Price Range

Budget considerations are paramount in real estate investment. With Investorlift's advanced filters, users can set a price range to ensure they are browsing properties within their financial means. Whether you're looking for bargain deals or premium investments, customizing the asking price range allows you to tailor your search to your budget.



3. Year Built Range

Understanding the age of a property is crucial for assessing its condition and potential renovation needs. Investorlift enables users to select a range of years built, providing insight into the age demographics of available properties. Whether you prefer modern construction or historic charm, this filter helps you refine your search based on property age.



​​​​​​​4. Bathrooms and Bedrooms

When searching for the perfect property, having the right number of bathrooms and bedrooms is often a top priority. Investorlift understands this need and offers users the option to filter properties based on their desired amount of bathrooms and bedrooms.



5. ARV and ARV% Filters

Analyzing the After Repair Value (ARV) and ARV percentage is essential for gauging the potential return on investment. Investorlift's advanced filters allow users to specify minimum and maximum ARV values, ensuring they focus on properties that offer the desired profit margins.



6. Days Listed

Monitoring the duration a property has been listed can provide valuable insights into market demand and pricing trends. Investorlift allows users to filter properties based on the number of days they've been listed, helping investors stay informed about new listings and stale inventory.



7. Gross Margin Range

For investors focused on maximizing profitability, understanding the gross margin of a property is paramount. Investorlift's advanced filters enable users to set a range for the gross margin they are seeking, ensuring they prioritize properties with the potential for substantial returns.



8. Property Type and Tags

Investorlift offers flexibility in property type selection, allowing users to specify whether they're interested in single-family homes, land, condos, commercial properties, and more. Additionally, users can utilize special property tags such as "Portfolio," "Seller Financing," "Subject To," or "Short Term Rental" to further refine their search criteria.



9. Title-Based Search

For investors with specific properties in mind, Investorlift offers a title-based search option. By inputting the title of the property, users can quickly locate the desired listing within the platform.



Additional Features: Apply Buy Box and Map Radius

Investorlift's advanced filtering system includes additional features to enhance the user experience. The "Apply My Buy Box" option allows users to apply their predefined investment criteria to the filters, streamlining the search process. The “Clear All" option allows users to clear all the filters.



Furthermore, the interactive map feature enables users to select the radius of their search, whether they're targeting a specific city (by zooming in) or expanding their scope to encompass multiple states and counties (by zooming out).



Understanding how to effectively utilize Investorlift's advanced filtering system is essential for optimizing your property search and identifying lucrative investment opportunities. By leveraging location-based filters, price ranges, property characteristics, and additional features such as the apply buy box and map radius, investors can streamline their search process and uncover properties that align with their investment objectives. With Investorlift's robust tools at your disposal, finding the perfect investment property has never been more accessible.

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