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Dear Customers,

As you know, we have recently released a new UI for God Mode and Marketing Campaigns. After careful analysis of our customer’s feedback, we’re excited to address your concerns and share our upcoming improvements.

Your feedback primarily highlighted the following about our Marketing Campaigns:

  1. The process involves too many steps.
  2. Creating a new campaign for each property blast is cumbersome.
  3. Difficulty in sending blasts to individual customers.


How are we addressing it?

We’re thrilled to announce that in our forthcoming updates, you’ll see:

  1. A streamlined Marketing Campaigns feature with fewer steps.
  2. The option to save campaigns as templates for easy reuse.
  3. A more straightforward method to send blasts to individual customers.

We hope these enhancements will significantly improve your experience. Please continue to share your thoughts with us – your feedback is instrumental in shaping our services.

Warm regards,
The Investorlift Team

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Where is the access to the “The option to save campaigns as templates for easy reuse.”