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In the realm of real estate investment, ensuring the credibility and reliability of potential buyers is paramount for successful and secure transactions. Why?

Wholesale properties, in particular, operate within tight timelines, often bound by contract termination dates with sellers. Failure to secure a buyer before these deadlines can lead to:

  • Losing the Contract: Without a buyer, the wholesaler may lose their contract rights to the property.

  • Negotiating an Extension: The wholesaler might have to return to the seller and negotiate an extension on their original contract.

Moreover, wholesalers encounter various challenges, including time-consuming or unethical buyers attempting to bypass them and directly purchase properties from sellers.


💡 The industry as a whole has about 50% contract fallout rate, which means half of deals never end up closing with the end buyer.


Key Considerations


When vetting buyers, several crucial questions arise:

  1. Funds and Intentions: Does the buyer genuinely possess the financial resources and intention to make the purchase?

  2. Closing Ability: Can they close the deal promptly, aligning with the property's timeline?

Fortunately, Investorlift offers powerful tools to manage buyer lists efficiently and effectively!


Using Investorlift for Buyer Vetting


Investorlift simplifies the process of vetting buyers through various features:

Vetting an Interested Buyer

If buyers showed interest in your properties via Artemis Mode, address requests, or submitted offers, you can vet the buyers directly through their profiles on Investorlift.

  • Offer History: a list of every offer that the buyer has submitted on any property on Investorlift (the more offers, the better!)
  • Notes: evaluating the notes in the buyer profile can provide valuable insight on the buyer.
  • Buyer Actions: allows you to see into how the buyer is using the platform by taking a look into their daily actions. 


  • Tags: (like "wholesaler") may raise red flags, indicating buyers with this tag may not be end buyers. Furthermore, tags like “VIP” are added by wholesalers to indicate that the buyer has successfully closed on deals within the platform before.
  • Average Hold Time: the amount of time a property is held after closing.

    If this time averages between 1-2 weeks, it strongly suggests that the buyer operates as a wholesaler, and may hit at a practice known as "double closing." In this method, a wholesaler initially purchases the property outright with cash and subsequently re-sells it within a brief 1-2 week window to another party.
  • Flip History: provides insights into the buyer's transactional activities and experience. A substantial volume of flips usually indicates a legitimate, experienced buyer.

    This information is sourced from the Entity/LLC in God Mode that is associated with the buyer, (i.e tax records.). The data isn't solely limited to properties acquired on Investorlift, and provides a comprehensive list of all the property flips a buyer has executed through their company’s duration.

  • Proof of FundsInvestorlift facilitates the collection of proof of funds, enabling wholesalers to verify the commitment and qualification of buyers efficiently.

  • Report & Ban History: Investorlift allows wholesalers to report buyers! You can find a history of reports within the Buyer Profile to determine if the buyer has caused issues in the past. 


IMPORTANT: Beware of counterfeit proofs.


Vetting an Unknown Buyer with God Mode:

Investorlift offers a powerful feature known as "God Mode" that provides you with enhanced control and capabilities.

What can I find in God Mode?

Buyer Score

Here, while the buyer might be unfamiliar, their 'buyer score' can be revealing. A high score indicates the entity or LLC is active and established. Think of it as choosing between an Amazon product with 2 reviews versus one with 2000; which instills more confidence?

Buyer Phone Numbers
With the God Mode feature, you can initiate calls to potential buyers directly through Investorlift. This allows you to have real-time conversations, ask questions, and verify their intentions and qualifications. It's an effective way to establish a direct line of communication and gain confidence in your buyer's authenticity.

Skip Tracing
Furthermore, the God Mode feature can be a valuable tool for skip tracing. Skip tracing involves tracking down individuals or entities, often for the purpose of verifying contact information or conducting due diligence. God Mode simplifies this process by providing access to various data sources and tools, making it easier to find accurate and up-to-date information about your buyers.

Company Agents
If our system verifies that the flipper is a company and not an individual, our system provides the company contacts so you can vet them.

​​​​​​​Managing Vetted Buyers


Filter the Buyer List 


At Investorlift, we offer a convenient way to refine your buyer list through our filtering options. This feature empowers you to differentiate between vetted buyers and those who may have been restricted from using our platform. By leveraging these filters, you can ensure that your interactions are with the appropriate individuals or entities for your real estate endeavors.

Accessing the filter options is simple:

  1. Banned Buyers: To view banned buyers, navigate to the "Buyers" section and click on "Show banned buyers".


  2. Vetted Buyers: If you're looking specifically for vetted buyers, click on "VIP and vetted statuses" and select "Vetted" from the dropdown menu.


These filters provide an additional layer of control, allowing you to streamline your interactions and make informed decisions within the Investorlift platform.


Adding Vetted Buyers


You can add the buyers you vetted previously to Investorlift. This can be done manually or by importing a CSV file containing buyer information.

  • Manual Entry: For manually added buyers, you can create a buyer profile by entering their name, contact details, and any relevant information.

  • CSV Import: If you have a large number of buyers, importing them via CSV is a time-efficient method. Ensure your CSV file includes columns for buyer information, including a "vetted" column.

💡 You can check out how to add buyers manually and by importing them to your list by reviewing this article:

Tagging Vetted Buyers

You have the ability to tag your buyers as vetted. This distinction between vetted and non-vetted buyers is vital for effective management within the platform.

Here's how you can manually tag a buyer as vetted:

  1. Accessing Buyers: Start by clicking on the "Buyers" tab within Investorlift.

  2. Locating the Buyer: Use the search function to find the specific buyer you wish to mark as vetted.

  3. Navigating to Profile: Once you've located the buyer, navigate to their profile page.

  4. Tagging as Vetted: Scroll to the bottom of the buyer's profile page and locate the "vetted" toggle switch.

  5. Turning it On: Flip the toggle switch to the "on" position to mark the buyer as vetted.

  6. Saving Changes: Remember to save the changes to ensure that the buyer is successfully tagged as vetted.

If you've imported buyers via CSV and need to update their vetted status, you can easily do so by editing your CSV file accordingly. Follow these steps:

  1. Edit CSV File: Open your CSV file using a spreadsheet editor like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

  2. Update Vetted Status: Locate the "vetted" column in your CSV file. Set the value to '1' for buyers you want to mark as vetted and '0' for those who are not vetted.

  3. Save Changes: After updating the vetted status for the relevant buyers, save the changes to your CSV file.

  4. Import Process: Now, follow the import process within Investorlift to import your updated CSV file.

     Investorlift will automatically sync with your CSV file during the import process. This ensures that buyers are tagged as vetted or non-vetted based on the values you've set in the "vetted" column.


In conclusion, vetting buyers is a critical step in real estate investment to ensure successful and secure transactions. Investorlift's robust features and functionalities simplify this process, enabling wholesalers to identify credible buyers efficiently. By leveraging these tools to add and tag vetted buyers, wholesalers can enhance the integrity and effectiveness of their real estate endeavors, contributing to long-term growth and success.

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