Important Update on Adding Photos to New Listings:
If you've noticed some changes in how images are added to new listings recently, you're not alone. After the latest update, many users experienced errors when trying to upload pictures, and listings were getting stuck in drafts. I encountered the same issue but was fortunate enough to attend a Q&A session with Jade, where she walked us through the new process. It turns out there's been a valuable enhancement! Previously, we had the option to set the main image right from the start. Now, there's a more detailed and efficient approach: the system allows you to add a description to each picture, providing additional context or notes for every image. Plus, to select a main image, all you have to do is click the star icon in the upper left corner of the desired picture. This small but powerful change adds flexibility and clarity, making it easier to manage your listings visually. Thanks to Jade's guidance, I'm confident that this update will streamline the process moving forward!